February 23, 2025

Blood Bash 2022!

Blood Bash 2022

Blood Bash 2022 was the first Blood Bash in the “post pandemic” era, and it was a return to form since we missed 2021.  Remember, that Blood Bash 2020 actually DID happen, it just happened literally about 3 weeks before the world shut down.  So the “year off” felt like a decade off, but we were SO glad to be back for Blood Bash 2022, and the fans were as well!

Blood Bash 2022 (Facebook Link to the Event) happened on February 12th, 2022, with a special bonus night of films happening on Friday, February 11th, 2022.  It was great to be back at the Commonwealth Commerce Center and be surrounded by so many familiar faces and friends!

The Awards of Blood Bash 2022!
The Films of Blood Bash 2022!
The Vendors of Blood Bash 2022!
The Photos of Blood Bash 2022!