December 22, 2024

Blood Bash 2019!

Blood Bash 2019 (FACEBOOK EVENT LINK) was held on February 16th, 2019, and was the first event to feature our fully realized film festival format, and as such was the first event to feature our Friday Night Film Festival Bonus Night event, which happened on Friday, February 15th.

BB19 was the first event that was featured on Film Freeway, and as such, it opened up the door to a TON of amazing talent via the film industry.  In our first year we had both shorts AND features, and we had some of the best movies in the history of the Bash screen at that inaugural festival!

Blood Bash 2019 – The Film Festival!

Blood Bash 2019 – The Pictures!

Blood Bash 2019 – The Vendors!

Blood Bash 2019 – The Awards!

Blood Bash 2019 – The Program!